Friday, November 2, 2018

Heads In The Clouds

The Lineup: Five dramatic heads sit in a dark cloud of ass. John Huston, Peter Bogdanovich and some other respected Hollywood royalty breathe it in.

Fart Factor: 6 out of 10. Everyone seems resigned to their fate, except the naked lady in the field, who seems okay with it all.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: The naked lady in the field, duh.

Monday, February 12, 2018


The Lineup: Somewhere between Norwood and Forest Hills, the train car with only two passengers has gotten too crowded. Shelby is on her way to an important lunch meeting. Karl is just riding for fun.

Fart Factor: By the surprised look on her face, 8. That thang be stankin'.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: No surprise twist here. It's him. Oh God, it's him.

Can You Hear Me, Lord?

Pictured above, a true believer lets out a cloud of yellow.