Friday, September 18, 2020

Overwhelming Musk

The Lineup: A confused girl, a dashing but disturbing mammalian CG creature, and a boy with a whole jar of product in his hair.

Fart Factor: 4 out of 10. The girl seems disturbed by the sudden sound. The rat-cat-Indiana Jones-thingy takes it all in stride, and the boy hopes that dragon's fire dissipates the smell soon.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: The Crocodile. Those weren't swamp bubbles! 


Old Farts and Open Air

Now, how did the format of this blog go again? It's been a while.

Oh, yeah.

The Lineup: Dr. Emmett Brown, Newman, two other old codgers, and a young couple, all shot separately in a studio and photoshopped into a stock image of a park.

Fart Factor: A suspicious 7 out of 10. Everyone's got side-eye at the two lovers, but the only person not making eye contact is the chick, and she's looking at the camera.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: Dr. Brown. He's going to use that clipboard to fan it to the sky.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

You Could Cut The Fart Cloud With a Knife

The Lineup: A man and a woman. Maybe roommates. Maybe lovers?

Fart Factor:  A high 9 out of 10. The man dares the woman to accuse him. The woman gives right back, daring him to dare her to accuse him.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: Look closely at the clouds- that shit is wafting from the left. IT'S THE MAN

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Smells Like Eggs

The Lineup: A bunch of floating heads, each with noses pointed at a different fart source.

Fart Factor: 8 out of 10. (from clockwise) Big Blonde detects a big one; Baseball Cap can't pinpoint if it's a skunk or an ass bomb; Waitress is unimpressed; Doof in the Middle thinks it may have been him; and Small Blonde kind of likes the smell.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: NOBODY. The place just reeks like that!