The Lineup:
A classic movie tale for the ages. The lot of the group seems not so much accusatory as they do startled. Which, when you think about how long the group had been together walking down that darn brick road, is a bit surprising. They should know each other's habits well enough by now.
Study it for a second, you'll get it.
Fart Factor:
6 out of 10.
Most likely fart suspect:
With a diverse set of men, man-lions, man-scarecrows, and men made of tin, a bad smell is going to come from somewhere. You of all people should realize that.
However, it appears that the fart in this particular scenario is not that of man, but rather of beast. The cowardly lion appears stoic, while the others appear started (judy garland, meanwhile, just looks high). Kudos to the cowardly lion for having the courage to clear a room.
Question: does a tin fart freeze or harden? Is it at least malleable?