Monday, April 21, 2008

A Jennifer Aniston Two-Fer

The lineup: A shrunken Vince Vaughn and Jen in a Dutch oven scenario. They're both trying to hold down the covers, but the walls are already starting to darken.

Fart Factor: Pretty high. Say, 8.3 out of 10. Vince knows he did. Jen knows he did. That's why they're not talking anymore.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: Doi.

The lineup: Kevin Hairpiecetner, Mark Ruffafro, Crazy Reincarnation Lady, and Jen. Clouds indicate lots of little ass-leaks instead of one big one.

Fart Factor:
7 out of 10. Kevin sez, "Good one." Mark sez, "Good one." Shirley sez, "How dare you," and Jen wonders where her navel went.

Most Likely Fart Suspect: Surprisingly, Angelina Jolie!

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