Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Smell of Adolescence.

The Lineup:
Rachel McAdams and her two lesser-known friends try to act cool while inhaling Lilo's air biscuit. Rachel seems to be able to pull it off, but the other two can't. The other two range from dumbfounded to slightly disappointed.  If they're going to be able to make it on sets, the smell of potent Hollywood gas is something they'll need to not only get used to, but also learn to love. If they can't handle queefs from Lindsay, imagine if Jon Lovitz was co-starring. Or Eugene Levy. Or Tommy Lasorda. Ow.

Fart Factor: 
6 out of 10

Most Likely Fart Suspect:


Estoye said...

Why is Lacey Chabert wearing such a long skirt? Doesn't she know her legs are totally FETCH.

gallstar79 said...

I was going to work "Fetch" into the write up, but sadly, did not.

Alt. headline: Fetching smells.