Thursday, January 24, 2008


The Lineup: A whole array of Indian actors who are unknown in the States but are probably motherfuckin' HUGE in India. Also, George Harrison with eyeliner.

Fart Factor: 9.5 out of 10. Some serious clouds are wafting along the plains, and it ain't from a train's smokestack. From left to right, Surush is inquisitive; Arpana is optimistically stimulated; Rajat is stern and bored; George Harrison's sitar gently weeps; Captain Nayakan feels deeply threatened; Kanvar is terrified; Gaurang is defiantly defensive. Meanwhile, a royal guard on the plains tries to kill the title of the movie.

Most likely fart suspect: The director Vidhu Chopra (not pictured) who just wanted to show India's A-Listers who's really fueling the train.