Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Bell Curve Explodes

This UCLA statistics group is a hodgepodge. Of flailing asscheeks, that is.

The Lineup:
Lots of different ethnicities represented here. Which is always good. We've got the woman on the left, who looks perplexed, the man next to her, who appears to be getting away with something, the woman to his left, who looks slightly uncomfortable, though might be trying to look sexy, and we have the old guy with a King Kong shirt.

Fart Factor: 6 out of 10.

Most Likely Fart Subject: 
I'm torn. My first impulse is to say Smirky McSmirkerson, but the more time spent studying this photo, the more I'm inclined to say he just enjoys a good gas pass. And Christ, just look at King Kong. His body language opens up a whole can of worms as to how bad he farted and how much he wants everyone to bask in his glow of nastiness. He's completely unapologetic. Gotta be him. 

1 comment:

Estoye said...

Didn't that old guy run Jurassic Park?