Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fresh Smells Served Daily.

The Lineup:
6 really old food service workers, 5 of whom are experiencing the scent of discovery.

Fart Factor:
6 out of 10.

Most Likely Fart Subject:
These guys are so collectively gassy that they could knock the frosting off of one of the many delectable desserts they're accustomed to serving. One man stands out, though. But this time, it's different. This time, it's mid-push. That's right. The poor man's James Carville, third from the left. A few of these guys seem to know what they're in for, a few are blissfully unaware at this exact second. The guy on the right seems particularly alarmed. He's seen this before. 

Haven't we all.


Estoye said...

Wait a minute! That last guy was the last guy in the Australian photo!

I call Shenanigans!

Estoye said...

Did I say Australian? I meant Bell Curve.